Category Archives: For Students

The 5 Best Protein Supplements for Weight Gain and Building Muscle

Whether you’re a true beginner or seasoned lifter, there are many steps one can take to tone their physique. Between maintaining a balanced and filling diet and hitting the gym regularly, fitness gurus also recommend supplemental products to ensure success in gaining weight and building muscle. The most popular of these products are protein shakes… Read More »

Meal Planning Guide For Dietitians

As Dietitians we are into planning meals day and night. Some times we feel that, what if we had a shortcut to this. Meal Planning Guide For Dietitians is very important to make their work easier and faster. Save on your time so that you can spend your precious time to boost your business as… Read More »

5 Ways To Gut Cleanse

Gut is the most important organ of the body. Everything can function well if your gut is functioning properly with optimum digestion and absorption of food we eat. So in any case you cannot afford to have a poor gut health. Poor gut health can lead to many lifestyles related issues. Let’s discuss further How… Read More »

10 Health Benefits of Bell Peppers

Bell peppers!!!! There are many few people who really understand the benefits of bell peppers. Those bright colors, green, yellow, red makes them so attractive that i cant withhold myself from buying them. Initially i use to hate bell peppers but now after knowing it’s benefits i have started loving them and enjoy its taste… Read More »

Today’s Killer: Obesity and childhood obesity

“Obesity is very different from being overweight. Obesity involves the accumulation of excessive body fat, which is extremely abnormal, while being overweight simply means weighing more. The process of obesity is not a short-term occurrence; it happens due to the prolonged intake of excess calories without sufficient expenditure through exercise or physical activity.

How to Get a Full Body Cleanse in 7 Days

Nowadays, more and more people are becoming interested in staying in shape, eating clean and maintaining an overall healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Diets and detox sessions are a big part of that. In fact, the latter have surpassed fad status and become ingrained in our habits. But just how effective can drinking green juices for… Read More »

What are Testosterone Boosters?

While it is fairly common knowledge that testosterone is responsible for the male sex drive and overall reproductive system, there are plenty of less well-known systems that testosterone can affect in the human body. That’s right, the human body, not just the male because women also produce a small amount of testosterone that is necessary… Read More »

Varicose Veins: 9 Trigger Things To Avoid

When valves fail to function well, superficial veins swell. As a result, veins have decreased competency to transport blood within the body. Even though varicose veins commonly affects the back of the legs, the disease can spread to other parts of the body. There are more diseases associated with blood transportation. Diseases like arteriosclerosis, hypertension,… Read More »

10 Simple tips for maintaining your Health

Man as a biological organism is completely made up cells of different types. Preventing the entry of foreign bodies into the body and maintaining the stability of the body without any abnormalities is termed as heath. Health can be classified as physical and mental health. Physical health is the maintenance of body organs, muscles, and… Read More »

How to deal with Acidity?

Today’s hectic lifestyle has resulted in lots of common health issues like frequent headache, constipation, insomnia, high cholesterol, low vitamin levels etc. The most common is acidity problem. Acidity is faced not only in older generations but also in young population who are still studying or have just started working. The main reason behind this… Read More »

How to deal with exam stress?

Are you suffering from Exam Stress? Let’s understand in detail what is exam stress and how to overcome exam stress? ” Exams” are the scariest thing for children. It is the biggest monster who follow kids for 12-15yrs. It come in intervals and is roughest part of kids life. As the exam approaches you can see… Read More »