11 Unknown Health Benefits of Quinoa

By | November 30, 2024

There are many people who are already aware of health benefits of Quinoa.

For people who are new to Quinoa, it is the Super Food of the decade. It is a seed of Quinoa plant.

Unlike all other cereal, this super cereal contains all essential amino acids specially lysine which is usually lacking in all the cereals. It is the only cereal which is a complete protein.

After reading this all vegetarians should add quinoa to their regular meals and get benefits of all essential amino acids in one fruit. This Nutritious food is gluten-free diet increasing its acceptability among people.

Quinoa was an important crop for the Inca Empire back in the day. They referred to it as the “mother of all grains” and believed it to be sacred.It has been consumed for thousands of years in South America, although it only became trendy and reached “superfood status” a few years ago. Quinoa is available in different colors: White, red and black.

Health Benefits of Quinoa: It is food of high protein quality and is typically regarded as an adequate source of all essential amino acids, including lysine and isoleucine.

It provides a variety of antioxidant phytonutrients, including ferulic, coumaric, hydroxybenzoic, and vanillic acid. Antioxidant flavonoids including quercetin and kaempferol are also especially plentiful in quinoa. Anti-inflammatory polysaccharides in quinoa include arabinans and rhamnogalacturonans.

Many members of the vitamin E tocopherol family are provided by quinoa, including important amounts of gamma-tocopherol. Quinoa is a very good source of manganese. It is also a good source of phosphorus, copper, magnesium, dietary fiber, folate, and zinc. We can make best quinoa recipes.

Red Quinoa

Red Quinoa

Image Source

Nutritional content of Quinoa (1cup cooked Quinoa i.e Approx 185g)

Calories 222
Carbohydrate 39
Dietary fiber 5
Sugar 1.6Kcals
Protein 8g
Total Fat 3.6g
Saturated fat 0.4g
Polyunsaturate fats 2g
Monounsaturated fats 1g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 13mg
Potassium 318mg
Calcium 31
Iron 2.76
Magnesium 118
Phosphorus 281
Zinc 2.02

health benefits of quinoa

Cooked Quinoa

Image Source

Health Benefits of Quinoa:

  1. Has Antiseptic Properties: During the processing of Quinoa there are saponins which are removed from it and then reused as an antiseptic, as well as a detergent. This shows just one more aspect of this superseed. There is some misperception as to what Quinoa is exactly, whether it’s a grain or a seed. The part that is edible is the seed, which makes it great for grain-free diets and diet plans. But the plant that it grows on is grain-like which causes the confusion. There are many benefits to the plant, and it shows just how versatile it can be, much the same way aloe can be eaten, and used to treat the skin.
  2. Supports a Gluten-Free Diet: When you’ve gone gluten free either for medical reasons or for dietary ones, you’ll quickly find out that while there may be more GF options than there were a decade ago, there is still a lot of room for more products. In the meantime you can stay gluten-free by using Quinoa. It’s not a grain, it’s a seed, and it doesn’t contain any wheat or gluten in it, so you can feel free to enjoy it in loads of different Quinoa recipes without worrying if it’s going to upset your system.
  3. Contains Flavonoids: There are flavonoids in Quinoa that are typically only found in other foods like berries, and the levels that it contains are pretty substantial. These flavonoids can help with things like cardiovascular disease and inflammatory conditions. This means that if you are at risk for heart disease or just want to do your best to prevent it, you can start eating more Quinoa and be doing a great service in this regard. And if you have arthritis or other inflammatory conditions you should start adding more of it to your diet right away for potential relief.
  4. Helps You Avoid Getting Fat: The fiber in Quinoa helps the body get rid of unneeded fat, while also helping you to eat less by making you feel fuller longer. This will help you eat less overall, as well as help your digestive system process. The overall result is that if you have a problem with overeating, or a sluggish digestion, Quinoa can help on both counts. The results of adding Quinoa to your diet can typically be felt right away, as you start to feel lighter both by not eating as much, and having more regularity than you currently do.
  5. Low on the Glycemic Index: Quinoa clocks in at 53 on the Glycemic Index, which limbos under the 55 required to be considered a food that helps to stabilize your blood sugar. This makes it a good food if you’re trying to prevent getting diabetes, and you can combine it with any other foods that are also low on the GI scale so that you can nourish yourself without having to worry about spiking your blood glucose levels. Some diets, like the Paleo diet, consider a ranking of 53 high, so it’s all a matter of perspective and what your end goal is.
  6. Potentially Anti-Inflammatory: Recent research is showing that Quinoa may be an anti-inflammatory food. But you don’t have to wait for the research to confirm what many are already saying to be true. So many people report getting relief from their inflammatory conditions after they start eating Quinoa. There are several vitamins and minerals that it contains, but it is the phytonutrients, those that help battle back free radical damage with their antioxidant effect, that are the prime suspect for what’s causing the help in this area. It’s not very often that a food has this amount of healing properties, which makes it a bona fide superfood and one of the healthiest food to eat.
  7. Helps Balance Blood Sugar Levels: It’s not always eating foods that are sugar-free, or eating portion sizes that are considered small by American standards. Adding Quinoa to a meal will help you keep your blood sugar levels in a happy place while at the same time getting your taste buds to agree. If you have a specific food or recipe that you normally can’t have, see if adding Quinoa to it brings it down to the point where you can enjoy it without any trouble. If you find that you respond well to it you can start using it in more and more of your classic recipes.
  8. Good Source of B Vitamins: When compared to other grains, Quinoa has a better B Vitamin profile than most. Technically it’s a seed, not a grain, but it most often gets compared to grains because of the way it is cooked and the texture it has when eaten. The B Vitamin family helps with plenty of processes that the body goes through each day, and it’s important to stay topped up on them. Vitamin B12 alone has a host of benefits that can’t be overlooked, so you definitely don’t want to run a shortage on it.
  9. Helps Lower Cholesterol: It’s the fiber once again that provides the benefits here, this time helping to lower your cholesterol. Many people resort to cholesterol-lowering drugs, and it’s always important to listen to your doctor’s advice. But with dietary changes and you doctor’s guidance you can avoid or reduce the amount of medication you have to take to keep your cholesterol in check. Quinoa makes it easy since it’s can be used in a myriad of ways, and you won’t feel like you’re eating a special diet of any sort, or missing out on the foods you love.
  10. Helps Lower Blood Pressure: The fiber levels in Quinoa have a direct effect on your blood pressure, in addition to the other benefits listed. The thing that prevents most people from getting enough fiber each day is that many of the sources are not considered very appetizing. But quinoa has a very delicate flavor, so you can mix it with just about any food you enjoy and you’ll get the flavor from that without the Quinoa getting in the way. It’s a very easy way to keep your blood pressure levels in check, without turning your world upside down.
  11. Supports Weight Loss Efforts: If you’re on a diet you’ll probably be allowed to eat Quinoa on it. Some diets might say that you can’t have bread, or that you should avoid all wheat and grains. But that’s where Quinoa comes in handy, as it’s not a grain, contains no wheat, and bread made with Quinoa is likely not the bread they’re talking about. Because of its high protein content and great fiber levels, it gives a one-two punch to your weight loss goals, and has a host of other vitamins and minerals to keep you topped up and feeling good. The protein and amino acids will help with any weight training you’re doing, and the fiber keeps things moving internally.
health benefits of quinoa

Organic Quinoa

Indian Visitors: You can Buy Organic Quinoa here.

USA Visitors can buy Organic Quinoa from here.

Have you ever tried Quinoa? If not then try now and let me know about your quinoa health benefits after a few months. You can ask questions related to health benefits of Quinoa and I will try to get back to you with the most preferred answer.

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RD Neha Kava

National Registered Dietitian at NutriChoice4u.com
Neha Kava is a National Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist in India. She specializes ins Clinical Nutrition, weight management. She likes to spread awareness and educate her readers about health, nutrition, fitness, mental health, sexual health and diet tips for holistic health. You can connect with her on info@nutrichoice4u.com Or hethhealthhome@gmail.com

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One thought on “11 Unknown Health Benefits of Quinoa

  1. Tejas

    Well detailed article. Good to know about the numerous health benefits of Quinoa!


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